Sila National Park

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© Regione Calabria

Naturalistic parks

The Sila plateau extends in Calabria between the provinces of Cosenza, Crotone and Catanzaro. 
A natural heritage where the diversity of landscapes, the variety of animal and plant species and the beauty of the places have made it appropriate to establish the Sila National Park, which protects its treasures.
This is the oldest national park in Calabria and one of the first five to be created in Italy. An area that, while retaining its fascinating appearance of a wild and uncontaminated area, strikes the visitor with its many characteristic villages, exquisite hospitality and the opportunity to practice numerous outdoor sports. Every moment of the year is right to admire and enjoy the splendid territory of this land of a thousand resources. 

The park contains one of the most significant heritages of biodiversity that deserves to be loved and, above all, protected. The symbol of the park is the wolf, a species that was despoiled for centuries and fortunately survived until 1970, when a law was passed to protect it.
The protected area of the park is currently a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO Global Park list.

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Last update: Jul 16, 2024 1:51 PM