
Nature Reserves

With no less than 16 State Nature Reserves and 3 Regional Nature Reserves, Calabria confirms itself as a green region that dialogues with the blue of its two seas.

An open-air oasis of wellbeing to be enjoyed to the full, amidst the uniqueness of the Mediterranean maquis and the endless opportunities for outdoor sports, in full respect of the environment and sustainability.

What do Calabria's Nature Reserves offer? UNESCO World Heritage biospheres and geosites, monumental trees, protected plant and animal species, lake oases, protected ecosystems and much more.

Discover all of them!

State Nature Reserves

  • Coturelle Piccione Nature Reserve
  • Cropani-Micone Nature Reserve
  • Gallopane Nature Reserve
  • Gariglione-Pisarello Nature Reserve
  • Gole del Raganello Nature Reserve
  • Golia Corvo Nature Reserve
  • I Giganti della Sila Nature Reserve
  • Iona Serra della Guardia Nature Reserve
  • Macchia della Giumenta-S. Salvatore Nature Reserve
  • Marchesale Nature Reserve
  • Poverella Villaggio Mancuso Nature Reserve
  • Serra Nicolino Piano d'Albero Nature Reserve
  • Tasso Camigliatello Silano Nature Reserve
  • Trenta Coste Nature Reserve
  • Valle del Fiume Argentino Nature Reserve
  • Valle del Fiume Lao Nature Reserve


Regional Nature Reserves

Last update: Jan 4, 2024 2:46 PM