Legal information

This section explains any restrictions on the use of the contents of this site and linked external sites.


All trademarks, whether registered or not, for products or services, logos, banners, headings, domains and any other distinctive sign appearing on this site are the property of the Calabria Region. Their use is possible with the prior consent of the Department of Tourism, Territorial Marketing and Mobility (for more details, see the information sections on the use of the logo). 

Other content (unless otherwise specified) is released under a CC-BY (Share with Attribution) licence and they may therefore be reproduced, distributed, communicated, displayed, represented and modified, subject to the following conditions:

  • the source ("Calabria Straordinaria") and the URL must be mentioned;
  • information on the use made of this material should be sent (together with any modified versions) to the following e-mail address: dipartimento.

Any use not permitted under this licence may however be agreed with the rights holder.

Site use

Regione Calabria informs you that changes may be made to the contents of the website (and of these notes) at any time and without prior notice, without this implying any responsibility for problems of any kind caused directly or indirectly by access to the website, by the inability or impossibility of accessing it, by reliance on the information contained therein or by their use.

Access to external linked sites

The links to external sites indicated on this site are provided as a service to users, with the exclusion of all liability for the correctness and completeness of the links indicated. The indication of links does not imply any kind of approval or sharing of responsibility by Regione Calabria in relation to the legitimacy, completeness and correctness of the information contained in the linked sites.


The information on this page also applies to the use by users of materials available for downloading from this site.

Last update: Feb 18, 2025 3:23 PM