

Laino Borgo is a small municipality whose history, culture and traditions are well-established. It stands between Calabria and Basilicata, in the heart of the National Pollino Park (World Heritage Site). Two rivers flow in the town, Lao and Iannello, that are among the main resources of the area. In particular, the Lao river, after crossing the built-up area of Laino Borgo, flows through a large canyon 200 m deep. Several caves and falls on both sides offer beautiful backgrounds to river sports enthusiasts. The Shrine of the Madonna dello Spasimo is an important worship place and the destination of several pilgrims. 

It is the only sacred Mountain in Southern Italy and is characterized by small chapels that faithfully reproduce the “holy Sites” in Jerusalem. Among folkloristic and cultural events, the "Giudaica" deserves to be mentioned. It has occurred every Good Friday for four centuries. About 200 actors are involved in the event that includes 19 scenes staging the Passion of Christ.  Another peculiar event is the "Palio cu i ciucci" that reproduces the renowned Palio di Siena riding donkeys instead of horses. The event lasts two days: August 12 and 13.  Six “contrade” participate and each of them, on August 12, sets large tables offering the best delicacies of the area. Visitors and local people get together and create a unique atmosphere. Among local products the two “whites” hold a prominent position: garlic and poverello bianco (white beans).  

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Last update: Jan 22, 2024 10:41 AM