Roseto Capo Spulico

Roseto Capo Spulico, a stunning castle by the sea

Blue flags

Once a colony of the Ancient Sybaris, Roseto Capo Spulico owes its name to the culture of roses that, in the past, was a flourishing activity and supplied petals for the pillows of Sybarite princesses.

Today, Roseto with its wonderful sea, unspoilt landscapes and successful local policies, is one of the most desired tourist destinations.

The “castello Federiciano” (Frederick's castle) offers marvellous views and quite often, passers-by stop just to enjoy the landscape and take a few pictures.

Roseto Capo Spulico offers breathtaking landscapes, a crystal-clear sea, a temperate climate and unrivalled high-value landscape features. The town was awarded the 2016 Green Flag for its care and commitment with nature, the sea and food farming practices, as well as serious policies for awareness and sorting of waste.

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Last update: Jan 22, 2024 10:32 AM