Guardia Piemontese

Guardia Piemontese: La Gàrdia, crossroads of culture and religion


Guardia Piemontese is the most famous spa location in Calabria as well as Southern Italy due to the renowned springs of the Terme Luigiane. Its position at 515 metres of altitude at the foot of the chain Calabrian Paolana coastal range, but close enough to the Tyrrhenian Sea, make it an excellent destination for both hikers and lovers of spa tourism; the town’s main source of income.

The street that runs along the ancient village of Guardia Piemontese overlooks the Tyrrhenian sea. The name of the town immediately recalls its ancient origins.

Cobblestone paths meander among rustic stone houses and every corner reflects the traditions of the ancient Occitan-Waldensian culture.

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Last update: Jan 22, 2024 10:44 AM