Serra Pedace

Serra Pedace is a mountain village located at an elevation of 726 m a.s.l. on the ridge of the Cardone stream. It is 14 km far from Cosenza and has 1000 inhabitants called "serritani". Its territory includes the district of Silvana Mansio and the areas named Serra Cappella, Macchia Sagra, Righio and San Nicola Silano. The village is surrounded by green chestnut forests and has various places of interest, including the Church dedicated to San Donato, the patron saint, the Church of Immacolata Concezione and the Presila Ecologic Museum. The Festival of the patron saint and the chestnut festival, now in its 25th year, are celebrated every year in the town. Serra Pedace is included in the National Sila Park.
The cozy village is surrounded by green chestnut forests. A tall centuries old poplar stands in Piazza Vittorio Veneto that is the meeting point of the local inhabitants. All around the town, picturesque spots, passageways that crosses the buildings, winding staircases are concealed in hidden corners.
One of the most charming places in the Sila Plateau belongs to Serra Pedace territory. It is Silvana Mansio, a small magical village with wooden houses out of a fairy tale.
Similar to most Cosenza “casali”, the origins of Serra Pedace are unknown. The most widely accepted thesis is that, following the Saracen invasion of Cosenza (10th century), the inhabitants of the Bruttian town probably took refuge in the surrounding uplands (Sila Plateau, Paola Chain and Busento Chain) founding various settlements that were to become the Cosenza “casali”. The “casali” often stood half way between the town of Cosenza and the Sila Plateau or the coast. They could also be defensive fortified military outposts.
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What to know about Serra Pedace
Where to Sleep
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There are 6 places to visit.
Travel Ideas
There are 2 travel ideas.
Infopoint Casali del Manco
Serra Pedace, Casali del Manco
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