
Altomonte, a crossroads of history and contaminations
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© Regione Calabris

Living slow

Fancy a "slow" trip that combines history, art and food and wine in one of The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy? Get ready to head for Altomonte (Cosenza), "City of Bread" and "Slow City".

This picture-postcard village in Calabria, Altomonte, gives us an atmosphere of yesteryear, medieval, marked by the monumental presence of the Norman Castle (12th century) and the village life that takes place around the main square, overlooked by the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione, one of the best examples of Calabrian Gothic-Angevin art, and the Dominican Convent, today home of the Library and the Civic Museum. 

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Last update: Jul 4, 2024 1:18 PM