Church of Santa Maria Maggiore and San Leoluca


Place of worship

The Church of Santa Maria Maggiore and San Leoluca is the main place of Catholic worship of Vibo Valentia, located in St. Leoluca Square. Built on the ruins of an ancient basilica (IX century) damaged by an earthquakes, is decorated with numerous Baroque stucco and preserves important works of art. The works for the new Cathedral began in 1680, designed by Francesco Antonio Curatoli, and ended in 1723. 

The original building (consecrated in 1766) had, in place of the pediment, a large crown basilica with a dome with lantern. In 1783, the earthquake damaged the structure and the dome was demolished; the interior is restored by Emanuele Paparo and Fortunato Morano, as well as the facade, rebuilt with its present appearance. In the nineteenth century the Cathedral was decorated by Neoclassical frescoes. The exterior features presents a Baroque facade and two bell towers for side, decorated with pilasters of two orders (Tuscan and Ionic) separated by a cornice. Several friezes and cornices decorate the entrance and the upper window. The interior has a Latin cross, with nave and transept; the walls of the nave are punctuated by Corinthian pilasters and stucco that serve on the barrel vault. There are four side chapels, two on each side. The Cathedral holds within it a majestic century polychrome marble altar, from which emerges the Renaissance statue of the Madonna of the Snow. The  most valuable work, however, remains the Renaissance Triptych by Antonello Gagini, performed between 1523 and 1524. On the choir is the pipe organ Gaetano Horses opus 413, built in 1894.

Informazioni Utili
M4G4+VP, Vibo Valentia
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Last update: Oct 19, 2023 10:15 AM