Holidays in Tropea: sea, art and fun

Discover what to see and do on your holiday in Tropea
VV-Tropea 68[Luca Fregola]

© Luca Fregola

Art and Culture

Turquoise and crystal-clear waters. Wild, unspoilt beaches. One of the most beautiful villages in Italy, perched on a promontory overlooking the sea, from which to enjoy breathtaking views. Culture, art, plenty of opportunities for entertainment, for all ages. And great food, of course.

If you are planning your holiday, this is the identikit of Tropea: the pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea, an iconic and evocative tourist destination, a jewel set on the Costa degli Dei.

Adjectives abound for this enchanting corner of Calabria, but the truth is that no definition can encapsulate its multifaceted beauty. So all that remains is to go and discover it.

What to see in the historic centre of Tropea

Tropea is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, with its maze of alleys, squares and wide streets where you can lose yourself aimlessly, amidst souvenir and handicraft shops, places offering tastings of typical products, conventions and cultural initiatives, art exhibitions and tables where you can enjoy a long, slow aperitif.

Here, the ‘queen’ is the IGP Red Onion, known all over the world for its colour and beneficial properties that make it different from those growing anywhere else. A symbol of Tropea, you will see it declined in every possible representation or dish (even in ice cream!). It is a must to return home with the typical "braid" in your suitcase.

Cipolla di Tropea
Luca Fregola

One only has to look up to be enchanted by the elegance of the old aristocratic palaces, the Baroque traces, the flower-covered balconies, the views in which the fuchsia of the bougainvillea contrasts with the turquoise of the sea in the background. The heart of the old town is Largo Ercole, and we continue enjoying every corner, every stone, from Largo Galluppi to Largo Villetta.

Worthy of a stop are the churches, from that of San Francesco D'Assisi to the deconsecrated church of Santa Maria della Neve and, of course, the Norman Cathedral, built in 1100, which holds the icon of Maria Santissima di Romania, the patron saint of Tropea.

The long walk to discover the village cannot but end at the best known and most photographed spot in the historic centre: the famous Largo Migliarese balcony overlooking the turquoise sea. An evocative view of the Shrine of Santa Maria dell'Isola, situated on a promontory that stands out from the sea and seems to ‘float’.

Santuario di Santa Maria dell'Isola - Tropea
Luca Fregola

The beaches of Tropea

If there is one thing you will never forget, it is the unique colour of the Tropea sea and the unmistakable glow of its golden sand. It is no coincidence that this part of the coastline is called Costa degli Dei and the Rotonda beach has been listed among the 50 most beautiful beaches in Europe.

You will be spoilt for choice among the sandy shores on which to conquer a place in the sun and which can also be accessed through the steps leading from the historic centre to the seafront. 

Regione Calabria

Near the San Leonardo rock is the aforementioned Rotonda beach, a diver's paradise for its surprising seabed. If you love tranquillity, the free Cannone beach is for you. From the Marina dell'Isola beach, on the other hand, you can reach the Palombaro Cave. Also not to be missed is the magnificent A linguata, which owes its name to the shape of the sandy shore, narrow and long.

How to get to Tropea by plane

Tropea is a popular tourist destination and thanks to its climate one can go on holiday from spring to late autumn. It is easy to reach thanks to its proximity to Lamezia Terme airport (about 64 km away), from where you can then take the train to Tropea station.

An alternative for those arriving by plane is the Reggio Calabria airport, about 88 km away.

Last update: May 24, 2024 7:48 AM