Cathedral of Maria Santissima of Romania


Place of worship

The Cathedral of Maria Santissima of Romania was built by the Normans in the twelfth century and is part of the Diocese of Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea. The building, made entirely of blocks of yellow tuff and lava rock, has a longitudinal plant with three naves, in typical Norman style. The operations performed in the seventeenth century, with an extension of twelve meters, have turned the Cathedral in the Baroque style. Because of the many earthquakes, the building was extensively damaged and subsequent restored. The interior houses the icon S.S. Patron of the city, the Virgin of Romania, a work of a pupil of Giotto dating from around 1230, and the majestic "Black Crucifix", by French school (seventeenth century).

Informazioni Utili
MVHX+5G, Tropea
How to get


Last update: Oct 23, 2023 9:09 AM