Ecomuseum of Wine and Rural Life

Ecomuseo del Vino e della vita contadina, Verbicaro - Maddalena Spingola
The Ecomuseum of Wine and Rural Life in Verbicaro (CS) is housed in the town's former prison. It is a place dedicated to the collective memory of the community and to the precious Verbicaro DOC wine, one of the excellences of Calabrian agrifood. The Ecomuseum of Wine and Peasant Life, in the historic centre of Verbicaro, collects, preserves and enhances the cultural and historical heritage of its ancestors, displaying objects once used in the wine-making process and in rural life. The museum's themed rooms, equipped with information panels, illustrate aspects such as the history of wine, the environment, religious rituals, the role of women and local living traditions. The Ecomuseum of Wine and Rural Life aims to promote the specificities of the local cultural heritage, including knowledge, techniques, dialects, songs and gastronomic traditions, offering visitors itineraries that facilitate the understanding of Verbicaro's natural and cultural environments.