The Extraordinary Dinner

"The extraordinary dinner" in the heart of Catanzaro on 13 September 2024.
La cena straordinaria



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Sep 13, 2024


Corso Mazzini, Catanzaro



One thousand people ready to experience a journey into taste, a 400-metre long table, six starred chefs bringing prestige to the whole of Calabria. An event of charity, haute cuisine, art and entertainment. The exaltation of local products entrusted to the skilful hands of Caterina Ceraudo, Antonio Abbruzzino, Antonio Biafora, Luigi Lepore, Nino Rossi and Riccardo Sculli.

The event will take place in Catanzaro, right in the city centre, on a long stretch of Corso Mazzini, including the wide Piazza Luigi Rossi, with the setting up of 10 tables and 1,000 chairs.

The event is scheduled for 13 September 2024 (in the event of adverse weather conditions, the event will alternatively be held on 20 September 2024).

Visit the website to find out more

Last update: Sep 7, 2024 6:00 AM