Strait Food Festival

Strait Food Festival in Villa San Giovanni on 16 December 2023.



Regione Calabria

The programme of the event is summarised below:

1) Morning to be devoted to guided tours (urban trekking) through the City, organised by Pro Loco Villa San Giovanni and I.P.ALB.TUR. "Trecroci" of Villa San Giovanni tourist section, which will welcome tourists and visitors.

2) In the afternoon, educational and informative workshops and talk shows will be held on the organoleptic characteristics and history of our traditional culinary specialities, with the participation of Slow Food Versante dello Stretto and Costa Viola APS and the Hotelier Institutes of Villa S.G., Palmi and Polistena, which will hold thematic show-cooking sessions. Slow Food exhibitors and local wineries will be present for the tasting of exclusive and typical food and wine products from our area. The event will take place in via Marconi, for which the road is requested to be closed to traffic from the junction with via Mazzini to at least the junction with via Torino, where the stands and equipment necessary for food preparation and administration will be placed.

3) In the evening, the Hotelier Institutes of Villa San Giovanni, Palmi and Polistena will prepare and serve food in the guise of local street food, with students in charge of the kitchen and those in charge of dining activities. In addition to the food, local wine will be served.

4) Throughout the evening there will be musical entertainment, interviews and part of the day will be broadcast live via radio. To close the day, a concert of Calabrian folk/ethnic music will take place in Piazza Valsesia.

Villa San Giovanni
Regione Calabria





Piazza Valsesia, Villa San Giovanni

Street view

Last update: Dec 7, 2023 6:02 AM