"Silvia" the work realised by Angela Procopio portraying the Catanzaro model

The exhibition of the two Catanzaro artists at the Crimasso Art Gallery (Catanzaro Lido) from 2 to 30 December 2023.


Art Exhibit

Regione Calabria

Saturday 2 December saw the opening of the Bipersonal Exhibition of the two Catanzaro artists Angela Procopio and Elisa Curto at the Crimasso Art Gallery.

Exciting and evocative was the varnishing attended by the model Silvia Felicetta, invited as guest of honour, also to seal the completion of the work "Silvia" by the artist Angela Procopio that portrays the beautiful Catanzaro model. The inspiration for the work came from the painter's idea of wanting to harmonise the beauty of a woman's femininity with the elegance of the nuances of flowers. The artist had met Silvia Felicetta on the occasion of her master Giovanni Curto's exhibition at the IC Mater Domini school in Catanzaro, the model and together they had attended the table of honoured guests at the event. Hence a friendship on social media that allowed Procopio to follow the model's various photo shoots. In particular, the photo that the artist chose to portray, a shot after make-up artist Antonella Procopio's make-up, had struck him for the sensuality of Silvia's expression and the delicacy of her hand gestures. The painter therefore thought of enhancing the beauty of the figure by adding three peonies, which are the flowers the artist loves to paint for their complexity and beauty. All in her painting style, which she herself defines as fantastic realism, precisely because starting from reality, the artist accentuates the colours and strokes, letting her fantastic vision of nature and the human figure transcend.

This style is what has always characterised Angela Procopio's painting. During her stay in Switzerland, she exhibited her works in three important galleries: 2 in Zurich and 1 in Zug. Back in Italy, she teaches painting in the Crimasso Art Gallery, in Catanzaro Lido, opened in 2020 together with her son, the artist Crimasso, to about sixty students who follow one another, during the week, in the various groups for adults, young people and children, in the latter groups with the collaboration of the artist Elisa Curto and always supported by the shop la Sfera for materials. She continues to participate in exhibitions of international relevance and to be reviewed in art publications such as Mondadori.

The "Silvia" portrait will be available together with eight other works by artist Angela Procopio, 17 works by Elisa Curto and other works by artist Crimasso on a permanent basis at the Crimasso Art Gallery in Via Amerigo Vespucci 17, Catanzaro Lido, until 30 December from Monday to Saturday from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 4.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Free entrance.

Mostra Silvia
Regione Calabria


2 - 30




Street view

Last update: Dec 19, 2023 6:07 AM