The third RURALIAinBAND event will be on 25 July 2023 at the Church of Sant'Anna in Contrada Mirabella (Campora San Giovanni).

© Regione Calabria


Useful information


Jul 25, 2023


Church of Sant'Anna, Amantea



The "RURALIAinBAND" project proposes an evocative itinerary on the traces of the rural churches dotting the territory of the Lower Tyrrhenian Cosentino. The project represents an effort to open sacred places located in marginal realities to public use, enhancing the artistic treasures they hold, which are often abandoned to neglect despite their considerable historical, artistic and architectural value, and promoting their networking for wider tourist enjoyment.

In these peripheral communities of our region, brass bands have always marked important moments in social life, such as religious celebrations and popular festivals. With this in mind, "RURALIAinBAND" intends to promote - through the expressiveness of band music, artistic beauties and landscapes - the extraordinary singularities that distinguish each of the villages involved in the initiative and that are generated by the unique relationship between the communities themselves and the environment for a conscious and sustainable tourism.

The third date will be 25 July 2023 at the Church of Sant'Anna in Contrada Mirabella (Campora San Giovanni).

Last update: Jul 14, 2023 6:08 AM