Inauguration of the Municipal Library in San Mango d'Aquino

Inauguration of the ‘’Nuccio Ordine‘’ Municipal Library in San Mango d'Aquino.



Regione Calabria

The Municipality of San Mango D'Aquino is proud to announce the inauguration of the new Municipal Library, named after the illustrious literary historian, essayist and critic Nuccio Ordine, who recently passed away. This prestigious event will take place on Saturday 9 November 2024 at 5.30 p.m. at the Complesso Monumentale di San Mango D'Aquino.

With a heritage of more than 14,000 volumes of Calabrian writers and 18,000 magazines and newspapers from the region, the 'Nuccio OrdineMunicipal Library is preparing to become a true centre of Calabrian literary culture. The Library's director, Antonio Chieffallo, illustrated the project of the ‘Library of Calabrian Writers’, which will also include a study centre for regional literature and a historical documentation centre.

The inauguration will be attended by prominent personalities including Unical university lecturers Chiara Cassiani and Gianluigi Greco, regional councillor for Culture Caterina Capponi, sector manager Ersilia Amatruda, writer Mimmo Gangemi, lawyer Diego D'Amico of the Nuccio Ordine Study Centre and other authoritative guests. The evening will be moderated by Emanuela Stella, the Library's external relations manager.

The event will also offer the opportunity to explore the library's modern structure, which is equipped with a reading room, videoconferencing and digitisation services, a conference room with 120 seats, a grand piano and a space for concert seasons organised by the ‘Amici della Musica’ association in collaboration with AMA Calabria.





Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 33, San Mango d'Aquino

Street view

Last update: Nov 9, 2024 6:00 AM