Decollatura Potato Festival

Decollatura Potato Festival on 1 and 2 September 2023.
WhatsApp Image 2023-08-28 at 23.35.05

© Regione Calabria


Useful information


1 - 2 Sep





For decades now (consider that the first edition dates back to 1982), the Potato Festival has played a major role in the history of the Decollatura area.

During the days dedicated to it, discussions and debates on its production and valorisation will also take place. The De.Co. logo will be presented, which could allow the agri-food activities of the territory to be more valorised. The evening will be enlivened by traditional music and other cultural moments that will make visitors even more delighted to be able to take part in this now historic event in the Reventino area.


1st September

5.30 p.m. - Opening debate The Decollatura potato between production and new prospects for valorisation: De.Co. trademark

2 September

9:00 a.m. - La Via delle Querce: walking through cultivated fields, villages and monumental trees with guide Aigae/coordination GAL Reventino-Savuto (for info and reservations: 3933389598 Angelo G.)

7 p.m. - Children's theatre performance The Cat and the Fox (waiting for fire-eater) by the Teatro del Cerchio

8 p.m. - Stand opening and travelling show of popular music from the Reventino area, organised by Felici&Conflenti

10 p.m. - Santino Cardamone in concert.

Regione Calabria
Last update: Aug 30, 2023 6:08 AM