Chestnut and Ancient Food Fair

The Chestnut and Ancient Eating Fair on 28 and 29 October 2023.
manifesto sagra 2023

© Regione Calabria


Useful information


28 - 29 Oct





The municipality of Acquaformosa, an Albanian-speaking linguistic minority village with about 1,000 inhabitants, located in the Pollino National Park in the province of Cosenza, has been involved in mountain tourism policies for many years. On 28 and 29 October 2023, it organised the event in question.

It is an event that represents a fundamental moment to make known our country, our traditions, culinary and handicraft peculiarities, our churches, and our historic centre, as well as to unite the people of Calabria in days of joy and light-heartedness, making known the life of a mountain village that wants to escape from the historical isolation in which it is relegated. The event achieved its objective of making the many visitors aware of the Arbereshe culinary peculiarities such as their own typical dish called Shtridlia me fasule, petule, traditional cold cuts and cheeses, as well as historical and naturalistic beauties such as the Birds of Prey Fauna Area.

Regione Calabria
Last update: Sep 29, 2023 6:02 AM