Mother Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie


Place of worship

The Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is one of the most important churches in the city of San Giovanni in Fiore. The present building has three naves, with three entrances placed on the main facade, plus a quarter in the bottom right nave. The main portal is in Baroque style with elements of Renaissance, topped by a full arch. 

The interior is in Baroque style with architectural elements. The aisles are divided by columns surmounted by capitals, and each side nave features three small altars, the area of ​​which has a vaulted pavilion ceiling. The floor is marble. The Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie hosts numerous works of art, many of which donated by the Benincasa family. The Sacristy also contains one of the main paintings of the city: a mid-nineteenth-century canvas depicting the baptism of the abbot Gioacchino da Fiore, a work known as "The Appearance of St. John the Baptist at Gioacchino da Fiore".

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Last update: Oct 13, 2023 2:55 PM