
Point of interest
Lorica is a mountain resort of Sila Grande. The territory of the touristic complex falls into three different municipalities of the province of Cosenza: San Giovanni in Fiore, Pedace and Serra Pedace. The inhabited centre is situated in the territory of the first two municipalities, while in the territory of the third fall only ski lifts and related services. The name comes from the latin “lòrica” (armour) and could be interpreted as a safe and impassable place, where hide and protect themselves from potential adversaries or enemies, but there are no certain dates about the discovery of signs that may indicate the presence of man , the term should refers to the natural appearance of the area which in past centuries it appeared to man as an impermeable, narrow and wild habitat. There is also a popular legend, that tells that in Lorica was found the armour of an old knight in place “ cavaliere”. Lorica, chosen as the seat of the Sila National Park, was awarded particularly for two reasons: first because it is placed exactly in the middle of the Park, accessible by all rural villages falling of the park and with a good dowry of different infrastuctures (although in this last point Camigliatello is superior), second because the village is inside the Park and the barycentric position was considered essential for the purpose of the choice.
Church of San Francesco alla Verna
In the hamlet there is the parish church of “San Francesco alla Verna”, built in December 26, 1972, by S.E. archbishop of Cosenza, Enea Selis, and entrusted to Minor Friars. It is located in a depths forest of pines and firs. The façade, with features stone walls, is overcomed by a triangular gable on which the bell tower is based.
In the territory of Lorica is certified a very important archaeological site of lower Paleolithic. It is an area with traces of activity of Homo erectus, the oldest human species that inhabited European continent. The discovery is due to the paleontologist Italo Biddittu. Archaeological research are under way, since 2004, by the superintendency of Archaeological heritage of Calabria.