Visit to Nocera Terinese and to the Tchaikovsky Conservatory
Do you love music? Come to Nocera Terinese, the Tchaikovsky Conservatory is waiting for you!

Art and Culture
Nocera Terinese - Regione Calabria
If music is your passion, you love studying it, listening to it and maybe you want to make a career out of it, Nocera Terinese, in the province of Catanzaro, is the town for you.
Why Nocera Terinese? Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music is based right here, in this small town that has become, thanks to music, a "university town" in its own right.
At the Tchaikovsky Conservatory, young people from all over Italy find a rich teaching offer, confront themselves with great masters and experiment with forms of musical research ranging from tradition to innovation.
Want to know more? Follow us to discover Nocera Terinese, among the classrooms of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
The Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music
The "P. I. Tchaikovsky" Higher Institute of Music Studies (a.k.a. Tchaikovsky Conservatory) in Nocera Terinese is a prestigious and dynamic national public institution, recognised as a University Institute.
Thanks to the presence of nationally and internationally renowned musicians and students from all over Italy, the Tchaikovsky Conservatory offers high quality training programmes and takes advantage of its geographical location, at the centre of the Mediterranean, as a strategic place to practice both traditional and innovative music.
Nocera Terinese, conservatory and landscape context together form a student-friendly unicum, creating the ideal environment for those who wish to approach music as professionals.
The educational offerings of the Conservatory of Nocera Terinese range from pre-academic courses to master's degrees, also offering advanced courses.
An integral part of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory and its internal productions are the Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria (OFC) and the annual concert season.
The Orchestra Filarmonica della Calabria was founded in 2011 as the resident orchestra of the Festival del Mediterraneo, promoted, supported and financed by the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Nocera Terinese, and since 2018 it is also the stable orchestra of the lyrical-symphonic season of the Politeama Theatre in Catanzaro.
The annual season of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory includes a series of in-house concerts.
Nocera Terinese: from small town to university town
The presence of the prestigious Tchaikovsky Conservatory has helped transform Nocera Terinese, not far from the city of Lamezia Terme, into a true university small town.
Known for its characteristic historical centre, Nocera Terinese boasts archaic roots, linked to the archaeological remains of the ancient city of Terina, a Crotone colony of Magna Graecia.
The present-day town of Nocera Terinese is nestled in the Savuto Valley, where the Savuto CDO wine of the same name is produced, and offers the beauty of numerous churches, including the Mother Church of San Giovanni Battista, and several granite portals, such as that of Palazzo Procida.
Nocera Terinese is famous for the Easter rite of the so-called Vattienti, the first records of which date back to the 17th century.
The "vattiènti" (flagellants) of Nocera Terinese wear black shirts and shorts, leaving their legs uncovered for the flagellation, which is carried out with two ritual instruments, the thistle and the rose (a cork covered with pieces of glass).

Nocera Terinese is also one of the main centres of production of the Red Onion of Tropea PGI Calabria, which finds its ideal habitat in this area.