Val di Neto cycle path: complete itinerary

Cycling is your passion? Come and discover the Val di Neto cycle and pedestrian path
Ciclopedonale Val di Neto (3)

© Regione Calabria

Sport and nature

If your passion is bicycle touring, you absolutely must discover the cycle paths that allow you to cycle through Calabria.

In addition to the very long Park Cycle Route, which crosses Calabria's 3 national parks and the Serre Regional Park, discover the new Val di Neto Cyclo-pedestrian route, the track that can be cycled or walked, depending on your tastes, through the towns in the province of Crotone immersed in the Neto Valley.

Val di Neto cycle path: what to know

The Val di Neto Cyclo-pedestrian path is the perfect "green" infrastructure for those wishing to discover the municipalities of the Neto Valley, the river that crosses part of the province of Cosenza and that of Crotone, also giving its name to a prized IGT wine.

The Val di Neto cycle and pedestrian path winds for a total length of 38 km, touching 6 municipalities in the province of Crotone and combining the charm of the valley that reaches the Ionian Sea with the splendour of archaeological sites, ghost towns, castles and some of The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy.

Ciclopedonale Val di Neto
Regione Calabria

Inaugurated in March 2024, the Val di Neto cycle-pedestrian path runs along the Neto river, encountering natural areas of great value: Sites of Community Interest (SCI), Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA).

The Val di Neto cycle and pedestrian path crosses the heart of the Marchesato, connecting the six municipalities that contributed to its construction and allowing cyclists/walkers to appreciate at a slow pace the historical, archaeological and religious heritage that distinguishes them, including castles, caves, sanctuaries and hermitages.

The Val di Neto cyclo-pedestrian infrastructure joins the Parks Cycle Route at Lake Ampollino, and was built through the reconversion of an ancient mule track with eco-friendly materials to minimise environmental impact. 

Val di Neto cycle path: what to see

What to see along the Val di Neto cycle path route? The advice is to stop for a visit in each of the 6 municipalities crossed, some of which are part of the club The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy and offer the charm of their ancient historical centres, traditions and local tastings to discover the beauty and goodness of the Neto Valley.

Here are the municipalities not to be missed:

  • Caccuri
  • Rocca di Neto
  • Santa Severina
  • Belvedere Spinello
  • Scandale
  • Strongoli
Accademia dei Caccuriani

Last update: May 20, 2024 9:42 AM