The re-enactment of the Marquisate of Laino

Historical re-enactment
La rievocazione del Marchesato diLaino

Historical re-enactments

Useful information


Aug 26, 2023


Laino Castello


Historical re-enactments

We are in Laino Castello, the ancient medieval village in the province of Cosenza, abandoned following the earthquake of 1982. Everything is deserted, the houses are uninhabited, the streets are empty, an eerie silence reigns supreme, but suddenly we the history of this place comes to mind, and as if by magic it seems to us that the village has repopulated. Looking a little higher up, we see that the old ruins flourish again and become a splendid castle, with its mighty walls, its towers, its doors, ready to open to welcome the people of the nearby lands, who are fleeing invader asks for protection. The event curated by the municipality of Laino Castello deals precisely with the story of the Marquise Sidonia Caracciolo, a proud woman and tenacious mother, an example of steadfastness and dignity. The event will be enriched by the presence of street artists, refreshment points and experiences in the historic centre

Last update: Sep 1, 2023 3:27 PM