Stazione Musicale - Chiarello Panebianco Duo

Saturday 12 August 2023 Chiarello Panebianco Duo at the "Stazione Musicale" event, organised by Catasta.
Catasta Stazione Musicale



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Aug 12, 2023


Catasta, Morano Calabro



"Stazione Musicale" is a journey through cult and experimental notes in the heart of the Pollino National Park. The festival, conceived by Catasta, a tourist hub and cultural centre in Campotenese, comes back to life this year with a second edition spread over four August dates. The programme, under the artistic direction of musician and composer Roberto Cherillo, includes immersive stages in a world of sounds ranging from jazz to blues, soul to rock-pop and authorial folk. All the concerts are held at 6 p.m. while waiting for sunset, at the moment when around the Catasta the naturalistic scenery of the Unesco Geosite plateau is cloaked in magic.

Saturday 12 August 2023 - Chiarello Panebianco Duo | Alessandra Chiarello, a Calabrian singer celebrated for her black and pop temperament, performs together with Roy Panebianco, a guitarist with a soul & blues soul, a globetrotting researcher involved in experimental projects.

Last update: Jul 28, 2023 6:14 AM