Collegiate Church of Santa Maria Maddalena

Place of worship
Morano Calabro, since 2003 among "The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy", houses in historic center Collegiate Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, whose Neoclassical facade was completed in the nineteenth century.
The interior is a real treasure of works of art of world importance: they belong to the school of Pietro Bernini a ciborium and two angels of the major altar, while Madonna of Angioli (1505) is attributes to Antonello Gagini. Wonderful the altarpiece by Neapolitan school of the eighteenth century, among other works by Francesco Lopez, Sarnelli family and the local painter, Lo Tufo. Absolute masterpiece, the Polittico by Bartolomeo Vivarini, work carried out in 1477 by commission of feudal lord Geronimo Sanseverino and guarded, after various attempts to break through, into St. Silvestro’s Chapel within the Sacristy.