Palio cu i ciucci

The Palio cu i ciucci in Laino Borgo on 12 and 13 August 2023.

© Regione Calabria

Historical re-enactments

Useful information


12 - 13 Aug


Laino Borgo


Historical re-enactments

The eagerly awaited Palio cu i ciucci is Laino Borgo's event with a strong community identity. The event will begin on 12 August at 5:00 p.m. in Piazza Navarro with the draw procedures and the matching of the ciuchi to the 6 competing contrade (Cagghienti - white and green; Casalettu - black and white; Mpedi u burgu - green and black; Sant'Antoniu - red and green; San Biasu - yellow and red; Santu Vastianu - red and blue), followed by the eagerly-awaited pre-podium evening characterised by dinners at the competing contrade with the inevitable tasting of local products including zafarani and mulingiani chjni (stuffed peppers and aubergines), zafarani cruschi (fried peppers chip style), buccunotti and many other delicacies.

Then, on 13 August at 4.30 p.m., there will be the "Transitus Carlo V in Laino Borgo", a historical re-enactment of the passage that the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire made through the village on his return from Tunis on 14 November 1535. Also in the main square of the village, there will be the blessing celebration of all the challengers, including jockeys and donkeys, before returning to the street for the transitus of Charles V to lead the festive palio procession. The actual race will begin at 6.30 pm on the ad hoc field set up in the market area of Laino Borgo. The day will still end with moments of music and entertainment and tasting of typical products.

The palio is a moment of great identity for the community of Laino Borgo, when people get together, party together, and celebrate a collective rite with an authentic and genuine flavour.

Palio cu i ciucci
Regione Calabria
Last update: Aug 9, 2023 6:23 AM