Christmas atmospheres: Antica Crissa amidst lights and tradition
"Christmas atmospheres: the Antica Crissa between lights and tradition" from 16 to 24 December 2023 in Maierato.
Multiple events
Regione Calabria
The ancient art of pipers' music will enliven the streets of Maierato's historic centre. One with the bagpipe and the other with the ciaramella or other wind instrument, the few remaining pipers are the heirs of the old peasant tradition of southern Italy that have survived centuries of change. Heirs of shepherds who tried to scrape together something by playing in the streets. Long ago, they were mostly "wandering artists" in that they earned their bread by playing in their colourful robes on the streets of the world. Particularly during the Christmas season, they travelled the streets of villages to make known and pass on an ancient art. Old tradition and Gospel music form an extraordinary combination. To the delight of the children, Santa Claus at the wheel of a characteristic and noisy Christmas train, which travels the length and breadth of the streets of Maierato for an entire afternoon.