Bretia, Regina dei Ribelli
"Bretia, Regina dei Ribelli" on 22 February 2024 at the Alfonso Rendano Theatre in Cosenza.
The first musical freely inspired by the first woman warrior in western history, founder of the city of Cosenza, perhaps the most important of Calabria's capitals. Donna Brettia, this is her historical name, a warrior at the head of the revolt for the freedom of the Bretti from the yoke imposed on them by the Lucanians.
A rock opera, with original music and lyrics. A setting with discronic and dystopian overtones, a dramaturgical structure marked by constant dynamism, alternating with evocative and poignant introspective moments. Impressive multimedia sets provide the backdrop for choreography and stage movements characterised by urban and contemporary styles. The story of a warrior woman represented through a play that brings to the stage a character who aspires to become an example of courage, freedom and strength for all women.
"Bretia, Regina dei Ribelli" on 22 February 2024 at the Alfonso Rendano Theatre in Cosenza.