Villa Vittoria Park

Point of interest
Multipurpose Villa Vittoria Park, in Mongiana (VV), is part of the Natural Biogenetic Reserve of "Marquis" (State Forestry), acquired in 1914 as part of an estate belonging to the Caracciolo Marquise from Arena (VV). The fir forest is a major natural attractions of the Reserve, which also has a rich undergrowth shrubs and ponds. This natural corridor of protected areas is inhabited by foxes, hedgehogs, weasels and other small mammals rodents. Among the bird species, as well as common buzzards and jays, there are examples of green woodpecker, owl, tawny owl, and various species of hawks.
Of particular interest is the historical, cultural and natural contest in which the Reserve is inserted: a short distance from the Charterhouse in Serra San Bruno, the Arms Factory and the Bourbon Ironworks in Mongiana. All activities of tourist accommodation, teaching and research takes place at the Villa Vittoria Conference Centre, equipped for guided tours for schools and groups of tourists who find refreshment, especially in spring and summer.