Tourism in Calabria - States-General 2022

Start Regional Sustainable Tourism Development Plan 2022-2026
Stati generali del turismo


From Thursday 31 March to Saturday 2 April, the “Turismi in Calabria” General Assembly took place, an initiative strongly supported by the regional administration, in particular by the Tourism Councillor Fausto Orsomarso, through which the Calabria Region called together the entire tourism world, from operators to institutions, for three days of discussion, listening and proposals. 

Governor Roberto Occhiuto himself took stock of the three days:

"Our vision of Extraordinary Calabria is not one of stereotypes. Calabria is not only sea, mountains and ancient villages but also an enormous cultural heritage to be presented to the world. Ours is the land of Pythagoras and the Bronze Statues. These are cultural deposits in which to invest. [...] The general states of tourism are a first change of step with which we are trying to encourage the work of the operators, who, however, must do their part by optimising services, upgrading structures and encouraging staff training".

A choral, participatory and inclusive process that will lead to the bottom-up construction of the 2022-2026 Regional Sustainable Tourism Development Plan.

Starting from the analysis of critical points and weaknesses, contents, methods, strategies and actions to be implemented in the coming weeks were identified, in order to make Calabria Extraordinary a tourist destination sought after and attractive all over the world, accessible to different targets all year round.

"Institutions, trade associations, businessmen, associations. Everyone is called upon to contribute to this great challenge of prospective tourism development. Promote mutual knowledge of experiences and territories, both those with high development potential and those already more mature. Draw up a concluding document, a starting point for understanding, positioning and developing the Calabria tourist destination at national and international level. To increase the competitiveness of the tourist system in Calabria and to increase the attractiveness of the tourist offer. Innovate, specialise, integrate and diversify the offer and develop effective marketing. To build an efficient governance for the overall development of tourism throughout the region".

These, according to Orsomarso, are the specific objectives on which to work, shared during the three-day event promoted by the Regional Tourism Department.

Last update: Apr 20, 2022 7:50 AM