Magna Graecia Cycle Route

The Magna Graecia Cycle Route is a bicycle touring route that passes through the main centres of Greek colonisation in three regions: Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily.

© aslysun/Shutterstock


Southern Italy offers an extraordinary spectacle, where natural beauty mingles with local traditions. Territories that tell of their origins and evolution will soon be connected through a new slow infrastructure: the Magna Graecia Cycle Route (Ciclovia della Magna Grecia).

The Ciclovia della Magna Grecia project - Metaponto-Pozzallo route - covers a total length of approximately 1,219 kilometres and it touches three regions: Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily.

The Calabrian cycle route stretches approximately 800 kilometres between the main centres of Greek colonisation: 465 km on the Ionian side, 305 km on the Tyrrhenian side and 30 km on the Catanzaro-Lamezia Terme transversal axis. The route crosses sites of considerable cultural, archaeological, environmental, historical and landscape importance, thus also becoming a means of discovering and getting to know the peculiarities, excellences and identity features of the places (and communities) it passes through. Cycling, an environmentally sustainable mode of transport, is one of the key elements in the development of tourism both in inland areas, which are less attractive to mass tourism, and in areas of greater historical and cultural interest.

The Magna Graecia Cycle Route project can be considered to all intents and purposes a tool for enhancing and upgrading the area; it represents a great opportunity for Calabria to present itself and to become the ideal tourist destination for lovers of two-wheelers and slow tourism.

Last update: Feb 16, 2024 11:16 AM