
How to reach airports in Calabria by bus

Would you like to know the routes, updated timetables, and bus and coach companies connected to Calabria's airports?

Consult the Tourist Transport site of Calabria Straordinaria and find out all the bus timetables to/from the Calabrian airports.

The Tourist Transport section is the new information tool offered to travellers who need to reach Calabria's main airports or from there to their chosen destination.

How does Tourist Transport work? Easy!

  • Access the dedicated page and fill in the form on your left, "Reach your destination by bus", entering in the appropriate fields the departure point (where you are), the arrival point (the destination you wish to reach), the date and time you wish to leave.
  • The search will return the desired information in the column on the left (bus company operating the service, line/bus number, times of departure and arrival at destination, journey time and subsequent solutions), while the map will appear on the full screen to display the chosen route, geolocated.


*Some timetables may vary, always check with the selected public transport company.


If your destination in Calabria is not directly accessible by bus, we have a practical solution for you. You can rely on the fast shuttle bus, which will take you from Lamezia Terme Airport to Lamezia Terme Central Station in just 5 minutes.

Once you arrive at the station, you will have a wide range of connections to reach any corner of Calabria. Check the shuttle timetable and plan your journey efficiently.

Last update: Feb 18, 2025 3:17 PM