Twentieth Anniversary Twinning Amaroni - Risch

The 20th anniversary celebrations of the twinning between the municipality of Amaroni and the municipality of Risch will take place on 7 Oct
Locandina ventennale

© Regione Calabria

Multiple events

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Oct 7, 2023


Sports field, Amaroni


Multiple events

The 20th anniversary celebrations of the twinning between the municipality of Amaroni and the municipality of Risch will take place on 7 October 2023. Swiss administrators will be present with numerous Swiss citizens in tow, as well as members of the corresponding Twinning Committee and tourists.

It will be a day of high institutional value that will include an important moment of celebration and conviviality with the organisation of a tasting of traditional Calabrian dishes and products and a typical cuisine workshop by local housewives and chefs, guardians of the culinary heritage.

Gemellaggio Amaroni
Regione Calabria
Last update: Oct 3, 2023 6:01 AM