Stagione Teatrale della Locride

The Theatre Season of Locride is an important cultural event of the area.
Stagione Teatrale della Locride



Useful information


Dec 23 - Apr 28, 2024


Auditorium Comunale, Roccella Ionica



The Theatre Season of Locride, an important cultural event, is meticulously organised and curated by the Centro Teatrale Meridionale. This annual review stands out for presenting an intense and prestigious playbill, enriched by the participation of big names of the national scene and by exceptional appointments. The Centro Teatrale Meridionale is committed to offering Locride audiences a high-level theatrical experience, through a careful selection of shows ranging from classics to contemporary productions.

The 2023/2024 programme will run from December to April at the Auditorium Comunale of Roccella Ionica.

Last update: Feb 1, 2024 3:00 PM