Sant'Agata d'Esaro Carnival
On 1 March 2025 Sant'Agata d'Esaro dresses up in colour and joy for Carnival

Street Performance
On 1 March 2025, Sant'Agata d'Esaro dresses up in colour and joy for the traditional Santagatese Carnival, an event that involves the entire community with music, parades and lots of fun.
Starting at 2 pm, the party comes to life with the gathering of the masks, followed by the big parade at 2.30 pm. At 15:00, there will be the presentation of the masked groups with spectacular performances. There will also be the eagerly awaited contest for the ‘Most Beautiful Mask’, with a special award ceremony for the best disguise. The day will be enlivened by music, dancing and the traditional breaking of piñatas, for a festive afternoon in perfect carnival spirit.
In case of bad weather, the event will take place in the premises of the Ex Caritas.