Popular Theatre in the Square

Popular Theatre in the Square in Miglierina
XXII Rassegna Teatrale agosto 2024

© Regione Calabria


Useful information


6 - 19 Aug


Amphitheatre, Miglierina



The Compagnia Teatrale ‘Miglierinese’ is pleased to present the 22nd edition of the "Popular Theatre in the Square" review, an unmissable summer event!

Once again this year, the Miglierina Municipal Amphitheatre will be transformed into an open-air stage, hosting a series of shows celebrating the richness and liveliness of popular theatre.
Now in its 22nd edition, this festival has established itself as a major event not only for the residents of Miglierina, but also for the inhabitants of neighbouring towns and the many tourists who choose to spend the summer in our beautiful area.

Last update: Jul 30, 2024 6:00 AM