Philinum Fest

Philinum Fest in Figline Vegliaturo on 17 September 2023.

© Regione Calabria

Multiple events

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Sep 17, 2023


Figline Vegliaturo


Multiple events

The "Philinum Fest" initiative aims to disseminate knowledge of the area in its peculiar components and to carry out activities aimed at tourist marketing as a whole, targeting the propaganda of the tourist offer with advertising tools and other information media. The entire programme is aimed at enhancing the village, knowledge of its traditions, and both the secular and religious history of Figline Vegliaturo. Artistic/sound events and excursion activities will be organised, aimed at the attractiveness that the small village offers, in its deep-rooted traditions, customs and history. All initiatives include the presence of artists specifically chosen from the Calabrian territory with public events aimed at promoting and enhancing the popular folk tradition that brings the public so close to the customs and traditions identifying the territory.

Last update: Sep 12, 2023 6:05 AM