Magna Grecia Arts Festival - edition 2022

The Magna Grecia Arts Festival, from 27 February to 28 May 2022, in the Theatres of Reggio Calabria.




The 2nd edition of the Magna Grecia Arts Festival will take place from 27 February to 28 May 2022 at the "Francesco Cilea" Theatre and the Metropolitan Cine-Theatre in Reggio Calabria. An extensive programme dedicated to Magna Graecia was presented, with performances of classical Greek theatre, theatre master classes, seminars, meetings, performances and dedicated campaigns.

The festival aims to narrate Magna Graecia, not only through the paths of archaeology, but above all through the multiplicity of performing arts. 

Calendar of theatre performances:

  • 27 Febbraio ore 18.00 - "Contaminations. Once upon a time...the Kamishibai" at the Metropolitan Cine-Theatre
  • 12 Marzo ore 21.00 - "Euripides: The Phoenicians" at the F. Cilea Theatre
  • 19 Marzo ore 21.00 - "Clytemnestra" at the Teatro F. Cilea
  • 3 Aprile ore 18.00 - "The Girl with the Bow - Atalanta" at the Metropolitan Cine-Theatre
  • 9 Aprile ore 21.00 - "Iphigenia in aulide" at the Teatro F. Cilea
  • 22 Aprile ore 21.00 - "Dike" at the Teatro F. Cilea
  • 30 Aprile ore 21.00 - "Antigone" at the Teatro F. Cilea
  • 15 Maggio ore 21.00 - "Semper Fidelis. Or rather Pandora's Box" at the F. Cilea Theatre
  • 28 Maggio ore 21.00 - "Mamè - Stories of Calabria" at the Metropolitan Cine-Theatre


Feb - 28

27 - May

Reggio di Calabria

Street view

Feb - 28

27 - May

Via Nino Bixio, 44, Reggio di Calabria

Street view

Last update: May 3, 2022 9:49 AM