Leo Gullotta and Fabio Grossi - In Every Life the Rain Must Fall

The show will be staged on 16 February 2024 at the Cinema Garden in Rende.

© https://www.teatro.it/spettacoli/rende/garden/2023-2024/leo-gullotta-fabio-grossi-in-ogni-vita-la-pioggia-deve-cadere


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Feb 16, 2024


Cinema Garden, Rende



"In every life the rain must fall" tells the story of a life, the life of two people who live together and love each other. Today, it can be said that a 'rainbow family' is told, but without children, just two people. The focal point is the house, which houses this union. Two people of different ages, not the classic type of beauty but real people: joys and sorrows, with lots of imagination. Papi and Piercarlo are two men who go about their lives with tranquillity and serenity until, one day, "the rain" comes and this ideal life is turned upside down. When there are problems, we are never prepared to face them, but we must.

The show will be staged on 16 February 2024 at the Cinema Garden in Rende.

Last update: Dec 22, 2023 6:13 AM