Euro-Mediterranean Festival

The Euro-Mediterranean Festival in Altomonte is back again in 2024. This year's theme is 'The magic of the embrace'.


Multiple events

Regione Calabria

The Euro-Mediterranean Festival in Altomonte is back again in 2024. This year's theme is 'The magic of the embrace'.

It starts on Sunday 4 August at the Costantino Belluscio Theatre, from 9.30 pm, the show 'The greatest showman', by Arcobaleno - Association in support of disability, will be staged. The show will be preceded by the performance 'La danza dell'abbraccio', a duet performed by Fini dance New York, and by the presentation of the 'Altomonte premia New York che danza' award.

From Tuesday 6 to Friday 9 August, Piazza San Francesco will host the 'Giovani in piazza' event as part of the Young festival.

Thursday 8 August starts with theatre, 9.30 pm, starring Ezio Greggio in 'Una vita sullo schermo'. But the theatrical appointments do not end here: Saturday 17 August sees a return to the Costantino Belluscio theatre, again starting at 9.30 pm, with Rocco Papaleo in 'Divertissment'; Thursday 22 August is Gianmarco Tognazzi's turn with 'PaulMcCartney and the Beatles. Due leggende"; on Saturday 24 August, "Semp'Essa" is the show by Rosalia Porcaro, and the show closes on Monday 26 with a performance by Maria Bolignano.

Music will not be missing this year either. It starts on Saturday 10 August, at 9 pm in the old town, when the White Night will be held under the theme 'Musical Generations - From the 1960s to the present day', which also includes games, street performers, and tastings in the village. On the same evening, but at 10.30 pm in Piazza San Francesco, there will be a concert by Aka 7even preceded by a performance by Desirée Malizia.

On Tuesday 20 August, at 9 pm at the Cloister of the Dominicans, the Jamal Ouassini ensemble Med will perform "Encuentros". Closing the billboard of music, and that of August events, is Raf's concert, at 9.30 pm at the Belluscio Theatre, in the only Calabrian date of the 'Self control 40th tour'.

There will also be a lot of fiction and poetry in this thirty-seventh edition with a series of meetings dedicated to writing to be held at 6 pm in the Dominican Cloister. Tuesday 13 August will be A spasso tra arte vita e poesia (A stroll through art, life and poetry) with authors Emilio Nigro, Assunta Morrone and Doris Bellomusto; Monday 19 August will see the presentation of Domenico Dara's book 'Malinverno'; Wednesday 21 August will be the turn of Alessia Antonucci's 'Radici con le ali' (Roots with wings); Friday 23 August will see the presentation of Marcostefano Gallo's 'Scacciasogni' (Dream Destroyers). Saturday 24 August there will be a double appointment: at 6 p.m. there will be the presentation of Carla Varisano's book "Sensibilità maldestra" followed by "21 idee per stare bene" by Gennaro Ponte. Tuesday 27 August will be a double date: at 6pm at the Dominican Cloisters it will be the turn of "Memorie sulla strada del ritorno" (Memories on the road back) by Francesco Cangemi with a musical reading by Giuseppe Bottino and Costantino Rizzuti, while at 9.30pm at the Belluscio Theatre there will be "Versi nel Borgo", the international poetry, fiction and aphorisms competition organised by L'Unione dei poeti della Valle dell'Esaro.

Confirmed, for 14 and 15 September, the 'Festa dell'agricoltura' to be held in contrada Boscari-Pantaleo, at 9pm, with the 'Beat 90's' live music show.


Aug - 15

4 - Sep


Street view

Last update: Aug 5, 2024 1:27 PM