Duck in orange sauce

The play will be staged on 20 March 2023 at the Cilea Theatre in Reggio Calabria.



Informazioni utili


Mar 20, 2024


Cilea Theatre, Reggio di Calabria



"Duck in Orange Sauce" is a play that grabs you immediately and drags you into its vortex of witty jokes, only apparently random, because everything is concocted like a chess game. The transformation of the characters takes place smoothly, thanks to a direction that moulds it with colours and movements that are sometimes sinuous, sometimes sudden, but always in keeping with a sophisticated tale in which the pettiness of the human soul serves to make us smile, but also to suggest ways of getting rid of it.

The play will be staged on 20 March 2023 at the Cilea Theatre in Reggio Calabria.

Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 9, 2024 6:09 AM