Christmas in San Lorenzo del Vallo

Christmas events in San Lorenzo del Vallo from 8 December 2023 to 5 January 2024.
Locandina Natale San Lorenzo

© Regione Calabria

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Dec 8 - Jan 5, 2024


San Lorenzo del Vallo


Multiple events

The project of regional character has the potential to mobilise significant flows of visitors and tourists to the area for which it is intended. It seems pleonastic to specify that the entire project is aimed at building a new image for the municipality of San Lorenzo del Vallo, but it seems necessary to specify that this action brings with it new tourism for the area. A city that does not know how to welcome will hardly know how to do good tourism, a city that does not know foreign languages will hardly understand the visitor, a city that does not live with the foreigner will hardly understand the customs of the peoples of the new tourist markets of the lower Mediterranean. The project affects these factors, creates skills to attract tourists well, to know how to welcome them and make them satisfied. The addressees of the intervention are therefore Italian and foreign residents and tourists who choose a holiday of education or rediscovery of the culture, crafts, food and wine and traditions of the minor villages.

San Lorenzo del Vallo
Regione Calabria
Last update: Dec 8, 2023 6:02 AM