Carmina Burana by Carl Orff - original site-specific production

Carl Orff's performance Carmina Burana will take place on 10 August 2023 at the Grangia di Sant'Anna (Montauro).

© Regione Calabria


Useful information


Aug 10, 2023


Grangia di Sant’Anna, Montauro



A new site-specific Festival production, imposing and with a strong visual impact too, where a staging of dance, acrobatics, light and fires, with a strongly immersive dimension, accompany the musical part (in its entirety) and with a reciting voice that delivers in Italian those texts of colourful medieval life of the goliards and clerics vagantes. With Orchestra Internazionale della Campania and Coro Lirico Siciliano, narrator Davide Riondino and choreography by Compagnia Eleinad and Compagnia Create Danza, directed by Teresa Ludovico.

Last update: Jul 7, 2023 6:07 AM