Briatico Sea Fest

"Briatico Sea Fest" on 4 January 2024.
Briatico seat fest

© Regione Calabria

Multiple events

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Jan 4, 2024




Multiple events

What we intend to create is a festival that will tell and highlight the sea, the art of fishermen, and typical local products in a totally Christmassy atmosphere. This is because in this way the curiosity of different audiences will be best captured. In fact, moments for adults will be followed by moments of fun for children. A very central role is given to the fishermen's workshops, which will lead to the rediscovery of their traditions.

The event on 6 January is postponed due to adverse weather conditions.

casa dei pescatori Briatico
Regione Calabria
Last update: Jan 4, 2024 6:07 AM