60s Disco ManiaHome/Event/60s Disco Mania60s Disco Mania on 15 August 2023 in Bocchigliero.Music Regione CalabriaOn the evening of 15 August 2023, Piazza Arento in Bocchigliero will be animated by 60s Disco Mania.Regione CalabriaDates15August2023Piazza Arento, BocchiglieroStreet viewInterestedMusicClaudio Baglioni in concertNov 26 - 5 DecMultiple eventsArmonie D'Arte FestivalAug 2, 2024MusicBe Alternative Festival - Concerts on the Lake3 - 4 AugMusicTirreno Festival - Teatro dei RuderiJul 20, 2024Last update: Aug 11, 2023 6:21 AM