Sergio Cammariere - Una sola giornata

Sergio Cammariere in concert on 11 August 2024 in Santa Severina.
Sergio Cammariere - Santa Severina 1

© Regione Calabria


Useful information


Aug 11, 2024


Santa Severina



The "Fatti di Musica 2024" live event, the 38th edition of the Festival-Prize del Live d'Autore, conceived and directed by Ruggero Pegna, has a new appointment: the concert of Sergio Cammariere and his band in the fantastic setting of Piazza Campo, in front of the imposing Norman Castle, in the historic centre of Santa Severina (KR), one of Italy's most beautiful villages, has been confirmed for Sunday 11 August 2024.

Last update: May 8, 2024 6:09 AM