Ottobrata Sidernese 2023

The Ottobrata Sidernese in the village of Siderno Superiore on 28 and 29 October 2023.
Ottobrata Sidernese


Useful information


28 - 29 Oct





An idea for the territorial and tourist promotion of the old town of Siderno Superiore on 28 and 29 October. This autumn event is dedicated to all those who love the traditions, flavours and colours of this wonderful season. Over the two days, we will have the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the magical atmosphere of autumn. There will be stands with typical local products, handicraft stalls, folklore shows and many activities for young and old.

The Ottobrata Sidernese, a magical return after years of absence and post-pandemic closure, will be a unique opportunity to discover the magic of the autumn air in the old town of Siderno. A journey through time and taste to discover gastronomic delicacies, local traditions, and have fun in the company of friends and family. Discover the potential of traditional markets and local crafts. Taste and learn, thanks to experts and institutions, the immense riches of a healthy diet linked to the typical products of our territory. It will be possible to taste autumn culinary specialities prepared by the masters of Locrian cuisine. It will be possible for young people and children of all ages to participate in traditional games rooted in the popular history of our region. There will also be the pleasure of scenic art with the contribution of masters of Calabrian comedy and a whole new dive into popular folklore thanks to the participation of local artists and masters of ethnic music.


Last update: Oct 24, 2023 6:02 AM