14th Chestnut Festival

The 14th Chestnut Festival of Cotronei will take place from 3 to 5 November 2023.

© Regione Calabria

Useful information


3 - 5 Nov



The 14th Chestnut Festival of Cotronei will take place from 3 to 5 November 2023. Below there is the programme of the days:

Friday 3 November | Conference Hall
5:30 p.m. - Conference "From fruit to processing to nutritional benefits", followed by free tasting of traditional products by Gal Kroton, music and roasted chestnuts

Saturday 4 November | Piazza della Solidarietà
5 p.m. - Traditional games, roasted chestnuts and food stands, in concert Mamur Singer tribute band Elvis Presley

Sunday 5 November | Piazza Michele Albi 
4.30 p.m. - Flag-wavers' of Bisignano procession, traditional games, roasted chestnuts, crustuli and food stands
6 p.m. - Flag-wavers' of Bisignano Show
7 p.m. - Awarding competitions: school, photography and confectionery
8.30 p.m. - "Il parto delle nuvole pesanti" in concert and traditional raffle draw.

Last update: Oct 20, 2023 6:02 AM